April: English Language Month. A month-long celebration of the uniqueness of the English language and all the learners working hard to master it.
April: National Poetry Month. Spend time this month writing, reading, and studying poetry.
April: National Volunteer Month. In the United States, volunteerism is instilled at a young age. Most organizations in small towns, rural counties, and the largest cities would not function without volunteers.
April: Records and Information Management Month. This event celebrates good record keeping and information management and emphasizes the importance of having organized records.
April: Stress Awareness Month. This month, we are all challenged to keep our stress levels low, and our peace levels high.
April 4: National Hug a Newsperson Day. Say thank you and send a hug to your local newsperson.
April 4: National School Librarian Day. School librarians spend long hours keeping the library organized, helping our children find the resources they need to encourage learning, and are dedicated to creating an environment children can learn in every day of the year. Set aside some time to honor school librarians.
April 5: National Play Outside Day. Spend a few minutes outside today enjoying the beauty and the fresh air.
April 7: National No Housework Day. Freelancers working from home sometimes choose to be distracted by housework rather than work on a challenging project. On this day, it is not allowed, so find something else to distract you–or rather, sit down and work on that challenging project.
April 7-13: National Public Health Week. The week focuses on prevention and reducing unhealthy activities.
April 6-12: National Library Week. Visit your local library in person or online, and give your library card a workout.
April 8: National All Is Ours Day. This is a day to appreciate everything we have, rather than dwelling on what we don’t have.
April 8: National Library Workers Day. Library workers do so much more than keep track of the books we can borrow nearly any time of the day or night. Today, library workers are masters of research.
April 10: National Encourage a Young Writer Day. Do you know a young person who has a vivid imagination, maybe someone who likes to tell stories and reads a lot of books? Encourage them to pursue their goals and develop their writing skills.
April 14: National Reach as High as You Can Day. Review and plan your goals for the upcoming quarter or the rest of the year as you reach for your dreams or goals.
April 14: Look Up at the Sky Day. Look for inspirations and beauty by looking up at the sky.
April 15: National Rubber Eraser Day. Celebrate the invention of erasers by acknowledging that we all make mistakes.
April 16: National Bookmobile Day. Honor the access to information and resources our nation’s bookmobiles make available to our communities and the professionals who work diligently to provide these services.
April 16: National Wear Your Pajamas to Work Day. Let go of the stress of deciding what to wear for a day by wearing your pajamas to work.
April 17: National Haiku Poetry Day. Try your hand at this creative form by writing about what you see outside.
April 17: National High Five Day. Spend a moment on social media, and give a virtual high five to someone who has recently helped you out.
April 17: Get to Know Your Customers Day. Select a customer and get to know them a little better.
April 20-26: Administrative Professionals Week. Celebrate the administrative professionals and secretaries who keep businesses going.
April 20-26: National Volunteer Week. Provide support by offering your services to a local organization you feel passionate about.
April 23: National Administrative Professionals Day. Some freelancers have virtual assistants, and we didn’t want you to miss this day! Celebrate your VA and show how much you appreciate this person.
April 24: National Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day. Take some time to mentor your sons and daughters and aspire their writing to new heights!
April 25: National Poem in Your Pocket Day. Memorize a poem or two to share with the people you meet throughout the day.
April 27: National Tell a Story Day. Share a story with fellow word lovers.
April 28: National Great Poetry Reading Day. Celebrate distinguished poetry and the notable poets who wrote them.
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