We wanted to get to know Marcia Rosen (NAIWE’s Public Relations and Book Marketing Expert) better, so last month we sat down with her. Here are some thoughts she shared with us.
What is unique to the pandemic that is beneficial to writers?
Zoom book marketing events and meetings have proven to be valuable for writers during the pandemic. Writing organizations, libraries, and bookstores have all given authors an opportunity to talk about writing and their books. I’ve found this to be very beneficial.
What can writers capitalize on to stay motivated to write?
Staying connected to other writers, attending in-person or Zoom writing events and meetings may be motivating. Being a guest on writing blogs or writing articles to have your voice heard. I also teach writing classes, and responses from others is very motivating for me.
Are there any stats for the success rate of writers?
Measurements of success are having your book listed on a best-seller list or winning a writing award. Also, success can be relative depending on the author and what they are looking for as a writer.
From staying on track to not giving up or giving in, from not listening to negative voices, including your own, the purpose of this presentation is to encourage you to stay determined, confident, courageous, hopeful, inspired, and motivated with respect to your writing. We’ll talk some of what can inhibit and interfere with writing goals and how to move past them.
There are times it’s possible to be discouraged and unsure and wondering why you’re even bothering. But your soul cannot and does not really want to give up. So, write on, tell the negative voice in your head and from others to go away! Each writer needs the promise of possibility and hopefulness that their dreams and ambitions can be fulfilled.
In this presentation we’ll cover:
- Having your voice heard during this pandemic!
- Knowing you have the right to be a writer
- Perseverance
- Trusting your own voice
- Dealing with and ignoring negative voices
- Planning, preparing, pushing forward
- Motivation and staying motivated
- Setting a writing schedule or routine
- Setting deadlines for yourself
- Avoiding distractions and distracting people
- Being comfortable with the plans for your work and your ideas on issues such as dialogue, character development, point of view, tone, and your storyline.
You can join in this conversation on October 19, at 7:00 pm eastern, when NAIWE will host a discussion on motivation. The cost for NAIWE members is only $10! Non-members can join for $30. Register today!