October: National Book Month. Curl up on the couch with a good book.
October: National Reading Group Month. Gather a group of friends, and meet weekly to discuss a great book!
October: National Work and Family Month. Focus on one way to improve your work/life balance. The Be a Better Freelancer conference recordings include suggestions to help with this.
October: Self-Promotion Month. Promote your skills to gain some new clients. Some of the Be a Better Freelancer conference recordings are of sessions on this topic to help with this.
October 2-8: Mystery Series Week.
October 2-8: National Newspaper Week.
October 3-7: Customer Service Week. Take notice of other industries and the good customer service they provide and strive to provide the best customer service you can.
October 4: National Fruit at Work Day. Take a break today to enjoy a piece of seasonal fruit at work.
October 5: National Do Something Nice Day. Do something nice for one of your clients today!
October 9: National Bring Your Teddy Bear to Work Day. Spend a day with a cuddly friend to make you smile. 🙂
October 9-15: National Work at Home Week. Reevaluate your home office for functionality and ergonomics.
October 16-22: National Business Women’s Week. Is there a woman in business who you have looked to as a mentor?
October 16-22: National Friends of Libraries Week. Use this week to support your local library.
October 22: National Make a Difference Day. Do something to make a difference in the life of someone else.