April 28 – May 4: Small Business Week. Small businesses account for half of America’s workforce, and more new jobs come from small business than any other source.
May: National Get Caught Reading Month. Wherever you go, the campaign challenges you to get caught reading.
May 1: National Mother Goose Day. This day honors Mother Goose, the imaginary author of a collection of fairy tales and nursery rhymes we loved as children and also as adults.
May 12: National Limerick Day. Celebrate the birthday of English artist, illustrator, author, and poet Edward Lear who wrote A Book of Nonsense.
May 16: National Biographer’s Day. Commemorate the anniversary of the first meeting of Samuel Johnson and his biographer James Boswell in 1763 by honoring biographers.
May 30: National Creativity Day. Celebrate you and your creative pursuit!
May 31: National Speak in Complete Sentences Day. This day is dedicated to using proper sentence structure while speaking.