We wanted to get to know Claudia Suzanne (NAIWE’s Ghostwriting Expert) better, so last month we sat down with her. Here is what she shared with us.
What is a certified ghostwriter?
There are two types of certified ghostwriters. The first is offered by Certified Professional Ghostwriter, which covers the “dedication, competency, and ethics of ghostwriters.” I know little about this course.
The second kind of certified ghostwriter has completed a rigorous, award-winning 13-month training program that covers the specific skills, industry knowledge, and ghostwriting psychology and mindset transitions necessary to command (not hunt for) high-end professional clients and fees. Their certification comes from California State University, Long Beach. They are industry insiders and solopreneurs, not freelancers.
What can a ghostwriter do that I as the author cannot do?
Honestly, nothing—if the author can disassociate from their own work; has the time to learn the realities of the book industry, its supply-chain needs, and standards; and can find a counterpoint who understands musical line editing. All that not only takes a lot of time, it runs counter to the author’s true purpose, which is to share their knowledge, insights, or story. Think of it this way: authors create art . . . ghostwriters massage, tweak, and polish it.
Are ghostwriters limited to certain genres?
Not at all. They can specialize if they want—I know a lot of ghosts who only do business books or memoirs or self-help titles or fiction—or they can do it all. Depends on the individual.
Join Claudia Suzanne, the Ghostwriting Expert, as she reveals insider truths about the book industry, and how a Certified Ghostwriter can give your title a better chance in the marketplace. Learn:
- How the history of publishing works both for and against you
- How to position your book before you start writing it, not after you finish it
- The top four fiction and nonfiction issues that turn off readers
- The truth behind “platform”
- Insider business tricks that really matter
- … and much more.
You can join in this conversation on October 22, at 3 pm eastern, when NAIWE will host a discussion on ghostwriters assisting in the publishing process. The cost for NAIWE members is only $10! Non-members can join for $30. Register today!