April: English Language Month. A celebration of the uniqueness of the English language.
April: National Poetry Month. Celebrate the cadence and song of poetry.
April 7-13: National Library Week. Libraries provide us with books to read and valuable tools and resources.
April 10: National Encourage a Young Writer Day. Encourage a young person with a vivid imagination or one who likes to tell stories or read a lot to take the next step and put those tales on paper.
April 10: National Bookmobile Day. Honor the access to information and resources made available through bookmobiles.
April 11: National Support Teen Literature Day. This day showcases some award-winner authors and books to raise awareness that young adult literature is vibrant and growing.
April 17: National Haiku Poetry Day. This day encourages all to write in this Japanese form.
April 18: National Columnists’ Day. Columnists inspire a plethora of emotions that often result in action.
April 18: Get to Know Your Customers Day. Reach out to your customers and get to know more about them.
April 23: National Take a Chance Day. Break out of your comfort zone and try a new marketing technique!
April 25: National Poem in Your Pocket Day. Share the joy that poems bring by carrying one in your pocket and sharing it with others.
April 25: National Telephone Day. Call some former clients to see how you might be able to help them today.
April 25: National Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day. Show a child what you do in your profession.
April 27: National Tell a Story Day. Share a story with another person, or listen to a story from someone from another generation.
April 28: National Great Poetry Reading Day. Take some time to read your favorite poetry.